Codes implementing WCxf

This an alphabetical list of open source tools with an importer or exporter for Wilson coefficients in WCxf format. If you have a code to add to this list, edit this page on Github.


Code Import Export
SMEFT Feynman Rules


DsixTools is a Mathematica package for RG running in the SMEFT, tree-level matching of the SMEFT onto the WET, and RG running in the WET.

Wilson coefficients in the Warsaw basis can be translated to and from the DsixTools file format using the functions WCXFtoSLHA and SLHAtoWCXF. See the DsixTools manual for details.


EOS is a C++ package for flavour physics phenomenology in the SM and beyond.

An EOS parameter file to set the values of Wilson coefficients can be generated from a WCxf using the command-line utility wcxf2eos shipped with the WCxf CLI.

See the EOS manual for detailed usage notes.


flavio is a Python package for flavour physics phenomenology in the SM and beyond.

Wilson coefficients can be read from a file or directly from a wcxf.WC instance (using the WCxf Python API) using the set_initial_wcxf method of a flavio.WilsonCoefficients instance. See the flavio API docs for details.


FlavorKit is an extension of the Mathematica package SARAH that computes 1-loop WET Wilson coefficients for a large class of models.

Numerical values of Wilson coefficients will be exported to WCxf files if the flag 79 in the Les Houches input file is set to 1.


FormFlavor is a Mathematica based tool for computing a broad list of flavor and CP observables in general new physics models.

WCxf files can be imported and exported using the functions WriteWilsonToJSON and ReadWilsonFromJSON.


wilson is a Python package implementing the complete one-loop running of dimesion-6 SMEFT operators, tree-level matching to the weak effective theory, and complete one-loop QCD and QED running below the electroweak scale.

The package is built directly on top of the WCxf Python API and uses wcxf.WC instances for internal data representation throughout.

SMEFT Feynman Rules

SMEFT Feynman Rules is a Mathematica package evaluating the Feynman rules for the SMEFT in terms of the physical (mass-eigenstates) fields of the theory. It works using the FeynRules package.

Wilson coefficient values can be imported and exported using the WCXFtoSMEFT and SMEFTtoWCXF functions.


SMEFTsim is an implementation of the SMEFT in FeynRules.

A future version of the wcxf-python package will contain the command-line script wcxf2smeftsim that will allow to convert a WCxf file to a param_card.dat file that can be used to run numerical simulations in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.


smelli is a Python package providing a global likelihood in SMEFT Wilson coefficient space (see the related publication). The package makes use of the WCxf Python API and wilson for dealing with Wilson coefficients in WCxf format.


SPheno is a tool for the phenomenology of supersymmetric models.

Numerical values of Wilson coefficients will be exported to WCxf files if the flag 79 in the Les Houches input file is set to 1.


See Python API