
wcxf.converters.eos module

Functions to convert WCxf files to EOS parameter files.

"""Functions to convert WCxf files to EOS parameter files."""

from collections import OrderedDict
import yaml
import glob
import os
import re

def get_sm_wcs(eos_parameter_dir):
    """Read SM contributions to EOS Wilson coefficients from the EOS
    installation parameter directory and return them as a dictionary."""
    all_wcs = {}
    yamlfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(eos_parameter_dir, '*.yaml'))
    for yamlfile in yamlfiles:
        with open(yamlfile, 'r') as f:
            wcs = yaml.load(f)
        meta = wcs.get('@metadata@', {})
        if 'wcxf-relevant' in meta and meta['wcxf-relevant']:
            del wcs['@metadata@']
    return all_wcs

def get_eos_np(sm_key, wc):
    """Get the NP contribution to an EOS Wilson coefficient identified
    by the name `sm_key` from a wcxf.WC instance `wc`"""
    if sm_key in wc.dict:
        return wc.dict[sm_key].real
    elif r'Re{' in sm_key: # if the EOS name contains "Re"
        k2 = re.sub(r'Re\{([^\}]+)\}', r'\1', sm_key) # name of the coeff in the basis file
        if k2 in wc.dict:
            return wc.dict[k2].real
        elif k2.replace('lnu', 'enue') in wc.dict or k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu') in wc.dict:
            # for charged-current WCs, check if the WCxf file is LFU, else raise an error
            if wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0) != wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu'), 0):
                raise ValueError("Found lepton flavour non-universal charged-current coefficients")
            return wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0).real
    elif r'Im{' in sm_key: # if the EOS name contains "Im"
        k2 = re.sub(r'Im\{([^\}]+)\}', r'\1', sm_key) # name of the coeff in the basis file
        if k2 in wc.dict:
            return wc.dict[k2].imag
        elif k2.replace('lnu', 'enue') in wc.dict or k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu') in wc.dict:
            # for charged-current WCs, check if the WCxf file is LFU, else raise an error
            if wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0) != wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu'), 0):
                raise ValueError("Found lepton flavour non-universal charged-current coefficients")
            return wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0).imag
    return 0

def wcxf2eos(wc, sm_wc_dict):
    """From a wcxf.WC instance wc and a dictionary of EOS Wilson coefficient
    SM contributions, return a dictionary of EOS Wilson coefficient parameter
    values including SM and NP contributions."""
    eosd = OrderedDict()
    for k, v in sm_wc_dict.items():
        sm = v['central']
        np = get_eos_np(k, wc)
        eosd[k] = OrderedDict()
        for q in ['central', 'min', 'max']:
            eosd[k][q] = sm + np
    return eosd


def get_eos_np(

sm_key, wc)

Get the NP contribution to an EOS Wilson coefficient identified by the name sm_key from a wcxf.WC instance wc

def get_eos_np(sm_key, wc):
    """Get the NP contribution to an EOS Wilson coefficient identified
    by the name `sm_key` from a wcxf.WC instance `wc`"""
    if sm_key in wc.dict:
        return wc.dict[sm_key].real
    elif r'Re{' in sm_key: # if the EOS name contains "Re"
        k2 = re.sub(r'Re\{([^\}]+)\}', r'\1', sm_key) # name of the coeff in the basis file
        if k2 in wc.dict:
            return wc.dict[k2].real
        elif k2.replace('lnu', 'enue') in wc.dict or k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu') in wc.dict:
            # for charged-current WCs, check if the WCxf file is LFU, else raise an error
            if wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0) != wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu'), 0):
                raise ValueError("Found lepton flavour non-universal charged-current coefficients")
            return wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0).real
    elif r'Im{' in sm_key: # if the EOS name contains "Im"
        k2 = re.sub(r'Im\{([^\}]+)\}', r'\1', sm_key) # name of the coeff in the basis file
        if k2 in wc.dict:
            return wc.dict[k2].imag
        elif k2.replace('lnu', 'enue') in wc.dict or k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu') in wc.dict:
            # for charged-current WCs, check if the WCxf file is LFU, else raise an error
            if wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0) != wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'munumu'), 0):
                raise ValueError("Found lepton flavour non-universal charged-current coefficients")
            return wc.dict.get(k2.replace('lnu', 'enue'), 0).imag
    return 0

def get_sm_wcs(


Read SM contributions to EOS Wilson coefficients from the EOS installation parameter directory and return them as a dictionary.

def get_sm_wcs(eos_parameter_dir):
    """Read SM contributions to EOS Wilson coefficients from the EOS
    installation parameter directory and return them as a dictionary."""
    all_wcs = {}
    yamlfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(eos_parameter_dir, '*.yaml'))
    for yamlfile in yamlfiles:
        with open(yamlfile, 'r') as f:
            wcs = yaml.load(f)
        meta = wcs.get('@metadata@', {})
        if 'wcxf-relevant' in meta and meta['wcxf-relevant']:
            del wcs['@metadata@']
    return all_wcs

def wcxf2eos(

wc, sm_wc_dict)

From a wcxf.WC instance wc and a dictionary of EOS Wilson coefficient SM contributions, return a dictionary of EOS Wilson coefficient parameter values including SM and NP contributions.

def wcxf2eos(wc, sm_wc_dict):
    """From a wcxf.WC instance wc and a dictionary of EOS Wilson coefficient
    SM contributions, return a dictionary of EOS Wilson coefficient parameter
    values including SM and NP contributions."""
    eosd = OrderedDict()
    for k, v in sm_wc_dict.items():
        sm = v['central']
        np = get_eos_np(k, wc)
        eosd[k] = OrderedDict()
        for q in ['central', 'min', 'max']:
            eosd[k][q] = sm + np
    return eosd