
wcxf.converters.dsixtools module

import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import pylha
import json
import yaml
from math import sqrt
import ckmutil
from wilson.util import smeftutil
from . import dsixtools_definitions as definitions
import wilson

def load(stream, fmt='lha'):
    """Load a parameter file in DSixTools SLHA-like format or its JSON or
    YAML representation."""
    if fmt == 'lha':
        return pylha.load(stream)
    elif fmt == 'json':
        if isinstance(stream, str):
            return json.loads(stream)
            return json.load(stream)
    elif fmt == 'yaml':
        return yaml.load(stream)

def lha2matrix(values, shape):
    """Return a matrix given a list of values of the form
    [[1, 1, float], [1, 2, float], ...]
    referring to the (1,1)-element etc.
    `shape` is the shape of the final matrix. All elements not provided
    will be assumed to be zero. Also works for higher-rank tensors."""
    M = np.zeros(shape)
    for v in values:
        M[tuple([int(i-1) for i in v[:-1]])] = v[-1]
    return M

def matrix2lha(M):
    """Inverse function to lha2matrix: return a LHA-like list given a tensor."""
    l = []
    ind = np.indices(M.shape).reshape(M.ndim, M.size).T
    for i in ind:
        l.append([j+1 for j in i] + [M[tuple(i)]])
    return l

def sm_lha2dict(lha):
    """Convert a dictionary returned by pylha from a DSixTools SM input file
    into a dictionary of SM values."""
    d = OrderedDict()
    v = dict(lha['BLOCK']['GAUGE']['values'])
    d['g'] = v[1]
    d['gp'] = v[2]
    d['gs'] = v[3]
    v = dict(lha['BLOCK']['SCALAR']['values'])
    d['Lambda'] = v[1]
    d['m2'] = v[2]
    d['Gu'] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['GU']['values'], (3,3))
    if 'IMGU' in lha['BLOCK']:
        d['Gu'] = d['Gu'] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMGU']['values'], (3,3))
    d['Gd'] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['GD']['values'], (3,3))
    if 'IMGD' in lha['BLOCK']:
        d['Gd'] = d['Gd'] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMGD']['values'], (3,3))
    d['Ge'] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['GE']['values'], (3,3))
    if 'IMGE' in lha['BLOCK']:
        d['Ge'] = d['Ge'] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMGE']['values'], (3,3))
    # thetas default to 0
    if 'THETA' in lha['BLOCK']:
        v = dict(lha['BLOCK']['THETA']['values'])
        d['Theta'] = v.get(1, 0)
        d['Thetap'] = v.get(2, 0)
        d['Thetas'] = v.get(3, 0)
        d['Theta'] = 0
        d['Thetap'] = 0
        d['Thetas'] = 0
    return d

def sm_dict2lha(d):
    """Convert a a dictionary of SM parameters into
    a dictionary that pylha can convert into a DSixTools SM output file."""
    blocks = OrderedDict([
        ('GAUGE', {'values': [[1, d['g'].real], [2, d['gp'].real], [3, d['gs'].real]]}),
        ('SCALAR', {'values': [[1, d['Lambda'].real], [2, d['m2'].real]]}),
        ('GU', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gu'].real)}),
        ('IMGU', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gu'].imag)}),
        ('GD', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gd'].real)}),
        ('IMGD', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gd'].imag)}),
        ('GE', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Ge'].real)}),
        ('IMGE', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Ge'].imag)}),
        ('THETA', {'values': [[1, d['Theta'].real], [2, d['Thetap'].real], [3, d['Thetas'].real]]}),
    return {'BLOCK': blocks}

# dictionary necessary for translating to DSixTools IO format
WC_dict_0f = OrderedDict([
('G', ('WC1', 1)),
('Gtilde', ('WC1', 2)),
('W', ('WC1', 3)),
('Wtilde', ('WC1', 4)),
('phi', ('WC2', 1)),
('phiBox', ('WC3', 1)),
('phiD', ('WC3', 2)),
('phiG', ('WC4', 1)),
('phiB', ('WC4', 2)),
('phiW', ('WC4', 3)),
('phiWB', ('WC4', 4)),
('phiGtilde', ('WC4', 5)),
('phiBtilde', ('WC4', 6)),
('phiWtilde', ('WC4', 7)),
('phiWtildeB', ('WC4', 8)),

def lha2scale(lha):
    """Extract the high scale from a dictionary eturned by pylha from
    a DSixTools options file."""
    return dict(lha['BLOCK']['SCALES']['values'])[1]

def wc_lha2dict(lha):
    """Convert a dictionary returned by pylha from a DSixTools WC input file
    into a dictionary of Wilson coefficients."""
    C = OrderedDict()
    # try to read all WCs with 0, 2, or 4 fermions; if not found, set to zero
    for k, (block, i) in WC_dict_0f.items():
            C[k] = dict(lha['BLOCK'][block]['values'])[i]
        except KeyError:
            C[k] = 0
    for k in smeftutil.WC_keys_2f:
            C[k] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['WC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3)).real
        except KeyError:
            C[k] = np.zeros((3,3))
        try: # try to add imaginary part
            C[k] = C[k] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMWC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3))
        except KeyError:
    for k in smeftutil.WC_keys_4f:
            C[k] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['WC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3,3,3))
        except KeyError:
            C[k] = np.zeros((3,3,3,3))
        try: # try to add imaginary part
            C[k] = C[k] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMWC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3,3,3))
        except KeyError:
    return C

def wc_dict2lha(wc, skip_redundant=True, skip_zero=True):
    """Convert a a dictionary of Wilson coefficients into
    a dictionary that pylha can convert into a DSixTools WC output file."""
    d = OrderedDict()
    for name, (block, i) in WC_dict_0f.items():
        if block not in d:
            d[block] = defaultdict(list)
        if wc[name] != 0:
            d[block]['values'].append([i, wc[name].real])
    for name in smeftutil.WC_keys_2f:
        reblock = 'WC'+name.upper()
        imblock = 'IMWC'+name.upper()
        if reblock not in d:
            d[reblock] = defaultdict(list)
        if imblock not in d:
            d[imblock] = defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if (i, j) in definitions.redundant_elements[name] and skip_redundant:
                    # skip redundant elements
                if wc[name][i, j].real != 0 or not skip_zero:
                    d[reblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, float(wc[name][i, j].real)])
                if wc[name][i, j].imag != 0 or not skip_zero:
                    # omit Im parts that have to vanish by symmetry
                    if (i, j) not in definitions.vanishing_im_parts[name]:
                        d[imblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, float(wc[name][i, j].imag)])
    for name in smeftutil.WC_keys_4f:
        reblock = 'WC'+name.upper()
        imblock = 'IMWC'+name.upper()
        if reblock not in d:
            d[reblock] = defaultdict(list)
        if imblock not in d:
            d[imblock] = defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                for k in range(3):
                    for l in range(3):
                        if (i, j, k, l) in definitions.redundant_elements[name] and skip_redundant:
                            # skip redundant elements
                        if wc[name][i, j, k, l].real != 0 or not skip_zero:
                            d[reblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1, float(wc[name][i, j, k, l].real)])
                        if wc[name][i, j, k, l].imag != 0 or not skip_zero:
                            # omit Im parts that have to vanish by symmetry
                            if (i, j, k, l) not in definitions.vanishing_im_parts[name]:
                                d[imblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1, float(wc[name][i, j, k, l].imag)])
    # remove empty blocks
    empty = []
    for block in d:
        if d[block] == {}:
    for block in empty:
        del d[block]
    return {'BLOCK': d}

class SMEFTio(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the SMEFTio instance."""
        self.C_in = None
        self.scale_in = None
        self.scale_high = None

    def set_initial(self, C_in, scale_in, scale_high):
        r"""Set the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients at
        the scale `scale_in`, setting the new physics scale $\Lambda$ to
        self.C_in = C_in
        self.scale_in = scale_in
        self.scale_high = scale_high

    def load_initial(self, streams):
        """Load the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients from
        one or several files.

        `streams` should be a tuple of file-like objects strings."""
        d = {}
        for stream in streams:
            s = load(stream)
            if 'BLOCK' not in s:
                raise ValueError("No BLOCK found")
        d = {'BLOCK': d}
        C = wc_lha2dict(d)
        sm = sm_lha2dict(d)
        self.scale_high = lha2scale(d)
        self.scale_in = lha2scale(d)
        C = smeftutil.symmetrize(C)
        self.C_in = C

    def set_initial_wcxf(self, wc, scale_high=None):
        """Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from a
        wcxf.WC instance.


        - `scale_high`: since Wilson coefficients are dimensionless in
          DsixTools but not in WCxf, the high scale in GeV has to be provided.
          If this parameter is None (default), either a previously defined
          value will be used, or the scale attribute of the WC instance will
          be used.
        import wcxf
        if wc.eft != 'SMEFT':
            raise ValueError("Wilson coefficients use wrong EFT.")
        if wc.basis != 'Warsaw':
            raise ValueError("Wilson coefficients use wrong basis.")
        if scale_high is not None:
            self.scale_high = scale_high
        elif self.scale_high is None:
            self.scale_high = wc.scale
        C = smeftutil.wcxf2arrays(wc.dict)
        keys_dim5 = ['llphiphi']
        keys_dim6 = list(set(smeftutil.WC_keys_0f + smeftutil.WC_keys_2f + smeftutil.WC_keys_4f) - set(keys_dim5))
        self.scale_in = wc.scale
        for k in keys_dim5:
            if k in C:
                C[k] = C[k]*self.scale_high
        for k in keys_dim6:
            if k in C:
                C[k] = C[k]*self.scale_high**2
        C = smeftutil.symmetrize(C)
        # fill in zeros for missing WCs
        for k, s in smeftutil.C_keys_shape.items():
            if k not in C and k not in smeftutil.SM_keys:
                if s == 1:
                    C[k] = 0
                    C[k] = np.zeros(s)
        if self.C_in is None:
            self.C_in = C

    def load_wcxf(self, stream):
        """Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from
        a file-like object or a string in WCxf format.

        Note that Standard Model parameters have to be provided separately
        and are assumed to be in the weak basis used for the Warsaw basis as
        defined in WCxf, i.e. in the basis where the down-type and charged
        lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
        import wcxf
        wc = wcxf.WC.load(stream)

    def dump(self, C_out, scale_out=None, stream=None, fmt='lha', skip_redundant=True):
        """Return a string representation of the parameters and Wilson
        coefficients `C_out` in DSixTools output format. If `stream` is
        specified, export it to a file. `fmt` defaults to `lha` (the SLHA-like
        DSixTools format), but can also be `json` or `yaml` (see the
        pylha documentation)."""
        C = OrderedDict()
        if scale_out is not None:
            C['SCALES'] = {'values': [[1, self.scale_high], [2, scale_out]]}
            C['SCALES'] = {'values': [[1, self.scale_high]]}
        # sm = sm_dict2lha(C_out)['BLOCK']
        # C.update(sm)
        wc = wc_dict2lha(C_out, skip_redundant=skip_redundant)['BLOCK']
        return pylha.dump({'BLOCK': C}, fmt=fmt, stream=stream)

    def get_wcxf(self, C_out, scale_out):
        """Return the Wilson coefficients `C_out` as a wcxf.WC instance.

        Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis
        as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged
        lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
        import wcxf
        # C = self.rotate_defaultbasis(C_out)
        C = C_out.copy()  # FIXME
        d = smeftutil.arrays2wcxf(C)
        basis = wcxf.Basis['SMEFT', 'Warsaw']
        d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in basis.all_wcs and v != 0}
        keys_dim5 = ['llphiphi']
        keys_dim6 = list(set(smeftutil.WC_keys_0f + smeftutil.WC_keys_2f
                             + smeftutil.WC_keys_4f) - set(keys_dim5))
        for k in d:
            if k.split('_')[0] in keys_dim5:
                d[k] = d[k] / self.scale_high
        for k in d:
            if k.split('_')[0] in keys_dim6:
                d[k] = d[k] / self.scale_high**2
        # d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v != 0}
        d = wcxf.WC.dict2values(d)
        wc = wcxf.WC('SMEFT', 'Warsaw', scale_out, d)
        return wc

    def dump_wcxf(self, C_out, scale_out, fmt='yaml', stream=None, **kwargs):
        """Return a string representation of the Wilson coefficients `C_out`
        in WCxf format. If `stream` is specified, export it to a file.
        `fmt` defaults to `yaml`, but can also be `json`.

        Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis
        as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged
        lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
        wc = self.get_wcxf(C_out, scale_out)
        return wc.dump(fmt=fmt, stream=stream, **kwargs)

    def rotate_defaultbasis(self, C):
        """Rotate all parameters to the basis where the running down-type quark
        and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal and where the running
        up-type quark mass matrix has the form V.S, with V unitary and S real
        diagonal, and where the CKM and PMNS matrices have the standard
        phase convention."""
        v = 246.22
        Mep = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Ge'] - C['ephi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
        Mup = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Gu'] - C['uphi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
        Mdp = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Gd'] - C['dphi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
        Mnup = -v**2 * C['llphiphi']
        UeL, Me, UeR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mep)
        UuL, Mu, UuR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mup)
        UdL, Md, UdR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mdp)
        Unu, Mnu = ckmutil.diag.mtakfac(Mnup)
        UuL, UdL, UuR, UdR = ckmutil.phases.rephase_standard(UuL, UdL, UuR, UdR)
        Unu, UeL, UeR = ckmutil.phases.rephase_pmns_standard(Unu, UeL, UeR)
        return smeftutil.flavor_rotation(C, Uq=UdL, Uu=UuR, Ud=UdR, Ul=UeL, Ue=UeR)

def wcxf2dsixtools(wc, stream=None):
    smeftio = SMEFTio()
    return smeftio.dump(smeftio.C_in, stream=stream)

def dsixtools2wcxf(streams, stream=None):
    smeftio = SMEFTio()
    return smeftio.dump_wcxf(smeftio.C_in, smeftio.scale_in, stream=stream)

Module variables

var WC_dict_0f


def dsixtools2wcxf(

streams, stream=None)

def dsixtools2wcxf(streams, stream=None):
    smeftio = SMEFTio()
    return smeftio.dump_wcxf(smeftio.C_in, smeftio.scale_in, stream=stream)

def lha2matrix(

values, shape)

Return a matrix given a list of values of the form [[1, 1, float], [1, 2, float], ...] referring to the (1,1)-element etc. shape is the shape of the final matrix. All elements not provided will be assumed to be zero. Also works for higher-rank tensors.

def lha2matrix(values, shape):
    """Return a matrix given a list of values of the form
    [[1, 1, float], [1, 2, float], ...]
    referring to the (1,1)-element etc.
    `shape` is the shape of the final matrix. All elements not provided
    will be assumed to be zero. Also works for higher-rank tensors."""
    M = np.zeros(shape)
    for v in values:
        M[tuple([int(i-1) for i in v[:-1]])] = v[-1]
    return M

def lha2scale(


Extract the high scale from a dictionary eturned by pylha from a DSixTools options file.

def lha2scale(lha):
    """Extract the high scale from a dictionary eturned by pylha from
    a DSixTools options file."""
    return dict(lha['BLOCK']['SCALES']['values'])[1]

def load(

stream, fmt='lha')

Load a parameter file in DSixTools SLHA-like format or its JSON or YAML representation.

def load(stream, fmt='lha'):
    """Load a parameter file in DSixTools SLHA-like format or its JSON or
    YAML representation."""
    if fmt == 'lha':
        return pylha.load(stream)
    elif fmt == 'json':
        if isinstance(stream, str):
            return json.loads(stream)
            return json.load(stream)
    elif fmt == 'yaml':
        return yaml.load(stream)

def matrix2lha(


Inverse function to lha2matrix: return a LHA-like list given a tensor.

def matrix2lha(M):
    """Inverse function to lha2matrix: return a LHA-like list given a tensor."""
    l = []
    ind = np.indices(M.shape).reshape(M.ndim, M.size).T
    for i in ind:
        l.append([j+1 for j in i] + [M[tuple(i)]])
    return l

def sm_dict2lha(


Convert a a dictionary of SM parameters into a dictionary that pylha can convert into a DSixTools SM output file.

def sm_dict2lha(d):
    """Convert a a dictionary of SM parameters into
    a dictionary that pylha can convert into a DSixTools SM output file."""
    blocks = OrderedDict([
        ('GAUGE', {'values': [[1, d['g'].real], [2, d['gp'].real], [3, d['gs'].real]]}),
        ('SCALAR', {'values': [[1, d['Lambda'].real], [2, d['m2'].real]]}),
        ('GU', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gu'].real)}),
        ('IMGU', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gu'].imag)}),
        ('GD', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gd'].real)}),
        ('IMGD', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Gd'].imag)}),
        ('GE', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Ge'].real)}),
        ('IMGE', {'values': matrix2lha(d['Ge'].imag)}),
        ('THETA', {'values': [[1, d['Theta'].real], [2, d['Thetap'].real], [3, d['Thetas'].real]]}),
    return {'BLOCK': blocks}

def sm_lha2dict(


Convert a dictionary returned by pylha from a DSixTools SM input file into a dictionary of SM values.

def sm_lha2dict(lha):
    """Convert a dictionary returned by pylha from a DSixTools SM input file
    into a dictionary of SM values."""
    d = OrderedDict()
    v = dict(lha['BLOCK']['GAUGE']['values'])
    d['g'] = v[1]
    d['gp'] = v[2]
    d['gs'] = v[3]
    v = dict(lha['BLOCK']['SCALAR']['values'])
    d['Lambda'] = v[1]
    d['m2'] = v[2]
    d['Gu'] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['GU']['values'], (3,3))
    if 'IMGU' in lha['BLOCK']:
        d['Gu'] = d['Gu'] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMGU']['values'], (3,3))
    d['Gd'] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['GD']['values'], (3,3))
    if 'IMGD' in lha['BLOCK']:
        d['Gd'] = d['Gd'] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMGD']['values'], (3,3))
    d['Ge'] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['GE']['values'], (3,3))
    if 'IMGE' in lha['BLOCK']:
        d['Ge'] = d['Ge'] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMGE']['values'], (3,3))
    # thetas default to 0
    if 'THETA' in lha['BLOCK']:
        v = dict(lha['BLOCK']['THETA']['values'])
        d['Theta'] = v.get(1, 0)
        d['Thetap'] = v.get(2, 0)
        d['Thetas'] = v.get(3, 0)
        d['Theta'] = 0
        d['Thetap'] = 0
        d['Thetas'] = 0
    return d

def wc_dict2lha(

wc, skip_redundant=True, skip_zero=True)

Convert a a dictionary of Wilson coefficients into a dictionary that pylha can convert into a DSixTools WC output file.

def wc_dict2lha(wc, skip_redundant=True, skip_zero=True):
    """Convert a a dictionary of Wilson coefficients into
    a dictionary that pylha can convert into a DSixTools WC output file."""
    d = OrderedDict()
    for name, (block, i) in WC_dict_0f.items():
        if block not in d:
            d[block] = defaultdict(list)
        if wc[name] != 0:
            d[block]['values'].append([i, wc[name].real])
    for name in smeftutil.WC_keys_2f:
        reblock = 'WC'+name.upper()
        imblock = 'IMWC'+name.upper()
        if reblock not in d:
            d[reblock] = defaultdict(list)
        if imblock not in d:
            d[imblock] = defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if (i, j) in definitions.redundant_elements[name] and skip_redundant:
                    # skip redundant elements
                if wc[name][i, j].real != 0 or not skip_zero:
                    d[reblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, float(wc[name][i, j].real)])
                if wc[name][i, j].imag != 0 or not skip_zero:
                    # omit Im parts that have to vanish by symmetry
                    if (i, j) not in definitions.vanishing_im_parts[name]:
                        d[imblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, float(wc[name][i, j].imag)])
    for name in smeftutil.WC_keys_4f:
        reblock = 'WC'+name.upper()
        imblock = 'IMWC'+name.upper()
        if reblock not in d:
            d[reblock] = defaultdict(list)
        if imblock not in d:
            d[imblock] = defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                for k in range(3):
                    for l in range(3):
                        if (i, j, k, l) in definitions.redundant_elements[name] and skip_redundant:
                            # skip redundant elements
                        if wc[name][i, j, k, l].real != 0 or not skip_zero:
                            d[reblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1, float(wc[name][i, j, k, l].real)])
                        if wc[name][i, j, k, l].imag != 0 or not skip_zero:
                            # omit Im parts that have to vanish by symmetry
                            if (i, j, k, l) not in definitions.vanishing_im_parts[name]:
                                d[imblock]['values'].append([i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1, float(wc[name][i, j, k, l].imag)])
    # remove empty blocks
    empty = []
    for block in d:
        if d[block] == {}:
    for block in empty:
        del d[block]
    return {'BLOCK': d}

def wc_lha2dict(


Convert a dictionary returned by pylha from a DSixTools WC input file into a dictionary of Wilson coefficients.

def wc_lha2dict(lha):
    """Convert a dictionary returned by pylha from a DSixTools WC input file
    into a dictionary of Wilson coefficients."""
    C = OrderedDict()
    # try to read all WCs with 0, 2, or 4 fermions; if not found, set to zero
    for k, (block, i) in WC_dict_0f.items():
            C[k] = dict(lha['BLOCK'][block]['values'])[i]
        except KeyError:
            C[k] = 0
    for k in smeftutil.WC_keys_2f:
            C[k] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['WC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3)).real
        except KeyError:
            C[k] = np.zeros((3,3))
        try: # try to add imaginary part
            C[k] = C[k] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMWC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3))
        except KeyError:
    for k in smeftutil.WC_keys_4f:
            C[k] = lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['WC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3,3,3))
        except KeyError:
            C[k] = np.zeros((3,3,3,3))
        try: # try to add imaginary part
            C[k] = C[k] + 1j*lha2matrix(lha['BLOCK']['IMWC' + k.upper()]['values'], (3,3,3,3))
        except KeyError:
    return C

def wcxf2dsixtools(

wc, stream=None)

def wcxf2dsixtools(wc, stream=None):
    smeftio = SMEFTio()
    return smeftio.dump(smeftio.C_in, stream=stream)


class SMEFTio

class SMEFTio(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the SMEFTio instance."""
        self.C_in = None
        self.scale_in = None
        self.scale_high = None

    def set_initial(self, C_in, scale_in, scale_high):
        r"""Set the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients at
        the scale `scale_in`, setting the new physics scale $\Lambda$ to
        self.C_in = C_in
        self.scale_in = scale_in
        self.scale_high = scale_high

    def load_initial(self, streams):
        """Load the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients from
        one or several files.

        `streams` should be a tuple of file-like objects strings."""
        d = {}
        for stream in streams:
            s = load(stream)
            if 'BLOCK' not in s:
                raise ValueError("No BLOCK found")
        d = {'BLOCK': d}
        C = wc_lha2dict(d)
        sm = sm_lha2dict(d)
        self.scale_high = lha2scale(d)
        self.scale_in = lha2scale(d)
        C = smeftutil.symmetrize(C)
        self.C_in = C

    def set_initial_wcxf(self, wc, scale_high=None):
        """Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from a
        wcxf.WC instance.


        - `scale_high`: since Wilson coefficients are dimensionless in
          DsixTools but not in WCxf, the high scale in GeV has to be provided.
          If this parameter is None (default), either a previously defined
          value will be used, or the scale attribute of the WC instance will
          be used.
        import wcxf
        if wc.eft != 'SMEFT':
            raise ValueError("Wilson coefficients use wrong EFT.")
        if wc.basis != 'Warsaw':
            raise ValueError("Wilson coefficients use wrong basis.")
        if scale_high is not None:
            self.scale_high = scale_high
        elif self.scale_high is None:
            self.scale_high = wc.scale
        C = smeftutil.wcxf2arrays(wc.dict)
        keys_dim5 = ['llphiphi']
        keys_dim6 = list(set(smeftutil.WC_keys_0f + smeftutil.WC_keys_2f + smeftutil.WC_keys_4f) - set(keys_dim5))
        self.scale_in = wc.scale
        for k in keys_dim5:
            if k in C:
                C[k] = C[k]*self.scale_high
        for k in keys_dim6:
            if k in C:
                C[k] = C[k]*self.scale_high**2
        C = smeftutil.symmetrize(C)
        # fill in zeros for missing WCs
        for k, s in smeftutil.C_keys_shape.items():
            if k not in C and k not in smeftutil.SM_keys:
                if s == 1:
                    C[k] = 0
                    C[k] = np.zeros(s)
        if self.C_in is None:
            self.C_in = C

    def load_wcxf(self, stream):
        """Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from
        a file-like object or a string in WCxf format.

        Note that Standard Model parameters have to be provided separately
        and are assumed to be in the weak basis used for the Warsaw basis as
        defined in WCxf, i.e. in the basis where the down-type and charged
        lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
        import wcxf
        wc = wcxf.WC.load(stream)

    def dump(self, C_out, scale_out=None, stream=None, fmt='lha', skip_redundant=True):
        """Return a string representation of the parameters and Wilson
        coefficients `C_out` in DSixTools output format. If `stream` is
        specified, export it to a file. `fmt` defaults to `lha` (the SLHA-like
        DSixTools format), but can also be `json` or `yaml` (see the
        pylha documentation)."""
        C = OrderedDict()
        if scale_out is not None:
            C['SCALES'] = {'values': [[1, self.scale_high], [2, scale_out]]}
            C['SCALES'] = {'values': [[1, self.scale_high]]}
        # sm = sm_dict2lha(C_out)['BLOCK']
        # C.update(sm)
        wc = wc_dict2lha(C_out, skip_redundant=skip_redundant)['BLOCK']
        return pylha.dump({'BLOCK': C}, fmt=fmt, stream=stream)

    def get_wcxf(self, C_out, scale_out):
        """Return the Wilson coefficients `C_out` as a wcxf.WC instance.

        Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis
        as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged
        lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
        import wcxf
        # C = self.rotate_defaultbasis(C_out)
        C = C_out.copy()  # FIXME
        d = smeftutil.arrays2wcxf(C)
        basis = wcxf.Basis['SMEFT', 'Warsaw']
        d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in basis.all_wcs and v != 0}
        keys_dim5 = ['llphiphi']
        keys_dim6 = list(set(smeftutil.WC_keys_0f + smeftutil.WC_keys_2f
                             + smeftutil.WC_keys_4f) - set(keys_dim5))
        for k in d:
            if k.split('_')[0] in keys_dim5:
                d[k] = d[k] / self.scale_high
        for k in d:
            if k.split('_')[0] in keys_dim6:
                d[k] = d[k] / self.scale_high**2
        # d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v != 0}
        d = wcxf.WC.dict2values(d)
        wc = wcxf.WC('SMEFT', 'Warsaw', scale_out, d)
        return wc

    def dump_wcxf(self, C_out, scale_out, fmt='yaml', stream=None, **kwargs):
        """Return a string representation of the Wilson coefficients `C_out`
        in WCxf format. If `stream` is specified, export it to a file.
        `fmt` defaults to `yaml`, but can also be `json`.

        Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis
        as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged
        lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
        wc = self.get_wcxf(C_out, scale_out)
        return wc.dump(fmt=fmt, stream=stream, **kwargs)

    def rotate_defaultbasis(self, C):
        """Rotate all parameters to the basis where the running down-type quark
        and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal and where the running
        up-type quark mass matrix has the form V.S, with V unitary and S real
        diagonal, and where the CKM and PMNS matrices have the standard
        phase convention."""
        v = 246.22
        Mep = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Ge'] - C['ephi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
        Mup = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Gu'] - C['uphi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
        Mdp = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Gd'] - C['dphi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
        Mnup = -v**2 * C['llphiphi']
        UeL, Me, UeR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mep)
        UuL, Mu, UuR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mup)
        UdL, Md, UdR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mdp)
        Unu, Mnu = ckmutil.diag.mtakfac(Mnup)
        UuL, UdL, UuR, UdR = ckmutil.phases.rephase_standard(UuL, UdL, UuR, UdR)
        Unu, UeL, UeR = ckmutil.phases.rephase_pmns_standard(Unu, UeL, UeR)
        return smeftutil.flavor_rotation(C, Uq=UdL, Uu=UuR, Ud=UdR, Ul=UeL, Ue=UeR)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(


Initialize the SMEFTio instance.

def __init__(self):
    """Initialize the SMEFTio instance."""
    self.C_in = None
    self.scale_in = None
    self.scale_high = None

def dump(

self, C_out, scale_out=None, stream=None, fmt='lha', skip_redundant=True)

Return a string representation of the parameters and Wilson coefficients C_out in DSixTools output format. If stream is specified, export it to a file. fmt defaults to lha (the SLHA-like DSixTools format), but can also be json or yaml (see the pylha documentation).

def dump(self, C_out, scale_out=None, stream=None, fmt='lha', skip_redundant=True):
    """Return a string representation of the parameters and Wilson
    coefficients `C_out` in DSixTools output format. If `stream` is
    specified, export it to a file. `fmt` defaults to `lha` (the SLHA-like
    DSixTools format), but can also be `json` or `yaml` (see the
    pylha documentation)."""
    C = OrderedDict()
    if scale_out is not None:
        C['SCALES'] = {'values': [[1, self.scale_high], [2, scale_out]]}
        C['SCALES'] = {'values': [[1, self.scale_high]]}
    # sm = sm_dict2lha(C_out)['BLOCK']
    # C.update(sm)
    wc = wc_dict2lha(C_out, skip_redundant=skip_redundant)['BLOCK']
    return pylha.dump({'BLOCK': C}, fmt=fmt, stream=stream)

def dump_wcxf(

self, C_out, scale_out, fmt='yaml', stream=None, **kwargs)

Return a string representation of the Wilson coefficients C_out in WCxf format. If stream is specified, export it to a file. fmt defaults to yaml, but can also be json.

Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal.

def dump_wcxf(self, C_out, scale_out, fmt='yaml', stream=None, **kwargs):
    """Return a string representation of the Wilson coefficients `C_out`
    in WCxf format. If `stream` is specified, export it to a file.
    `fmt` defaults to `yaml`, but can also be `json`.
    Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis
    as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged
    lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
    wc = self.get_wcxf(C_out, scale_out)
    return wc.dump(fmt=fmt, stream=stream, **kwargs)

def get_wcxf(

self, C_out, scale_out)

Return the Wilson coefficients C_out as a wcxf.WC instance.

Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal.

def get_wcxf(self, C_out, scale_out):
    """Return the Wilson coefficients `C_out` as a wcxf.WC instance.
    Note that the Wilson coefficients are rotated into the Warsaw basis
    as defined in WCxf, i.e. to the basis where the down-type and charged
    lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
    import wcxf
    # C = self.rotate_defaultbasis(C_out)
    C = C_out.copy()  # FIXME
    d = smeftutil.arrays2wcxf(C)
    basis = wcxf.Basis['SMEFT', 'Warsaw']
    d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in basis.all_wcs and v != 0}
    keys_dim5 = ['llphiphi']
    keys_dim6 = list(set(smeftutil.WC_keys_0f + smeftutil.WC_keys_2f
                         + smeftutil.WC_keys_4f) - set(keys_dim5))
    for k in d:
        if k.split('_')[0] in keys_dim5:
            d[k] = d[k] / self.scale_high
    for k in d:
        if k.split('_')[0] in keys_dim6:
            d[k] = d[k] / self.scale_high**2
    # d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v != 0}
    d = wcxf.WC.dict2values(d)
    wc = wcxf.WC('SMEFT', 'Warsaw', scale_out, d)
    return wc

def load_initial(

self, streams)

Load the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients from one or several files.

streams should be a tuple of file-like objects strings.

def load_initial(self, streams):
    """Load the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients from
    one or several files.
    `streams` should be a tuple of file-like objects strings."""
    d = {}
    for stream in streams:
        s = load(stream)
        if 'BLOCK' not in s:
            raise ValueError("No BLOCK found")
    d = {'BLOCK': d}
    C = wc_lha2dict(d)
    sm = sm_lha2dict(d)
    self.scale_high = lha2scale(d)
    self.scale_in = lha2scale(d)
    C = smeftutil.symmetrize(C)
    self.C_in = C

def load_wcxf(

self, stream)

Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from a file-like object or a string in WCxf format.

Note that Standard Model parameters have to be provided separately and are assumed to be in the weak basis used for the Warsaw basis as defined in WCxf, i.e. in the basis where the down-type and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal.

def load_wcxf(self, stream):
    """Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from
    a file-like object or a string in WCxf format.
    Note that Standard Model parameters have to be provided separately
    and are assumed to be in the weak basis used for the Warsaw basis as
    defined in WCxf, i.e. in the basis where the down-type and charged
    lepton mass matrices are diagonal."""
    import wcxf
    wc = wcxf.WC.load(stream)

def rotate_defaultbasis(

self, C)

Rotate all parameters to the basis where the running down-type quark and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal and where the running up-type quark mass matrix has the form V.S, with V unitary and S real diagonal, and where the CKM and PMNS matrices have the standard phase convention.

def rotate_defaultbasis(self, C):
    """Rotate all parameters to the basis where the running down-type quark
    and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal and where the running
    up-type quark mass matrix has the form V.S, with V unitary and S real
    diagonal, and where the CKM and PMNS matrices have the standard
    phase convention."""
    v = 246.22
    Mep = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Ge'] - C['ephi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
    Mup = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Gu'] - C['uphi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
    Mdp = v/sqrt(2) * (C['Gd'] - C['dphi'] * v**2/self.scale_high**2/2)
    Mnup = -v**2 * C['llphiphi']
    UeL, Me, UeR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mep)
    UuL, Mu, UuR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mup)
    UdL, Md, UdR = ckmutil.diag.msvd(Mdp)
    Unu, Mnu = ckmutil.diag.mtakfac(Mnup)
    UuL, UdL, UuR, UdR = ckmutil.phases.rephase_standard(UuL, UdL, UuR, UdR)
    Unu, UeL, UeR = ckmutil.phases.rephase_pmns_standard(Unu, UeL, UeR)
    return smeftutil.flavor_rotation(C, Uq=UdL, Uu=UuR, Ud=UdR, Ul=UeL, Ue=UeR)

def set_initial(

self, C_in, scale_in, scale_high)

Set the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients at the scale scale_in, setting the new physics scale $\Lambda$ to scale_high.

def set_initial(self, C_in, scale_in, scale_high):
    r"""Set the initial values for parameters and Wilson coefficients at
    the scale `scale_in`, setting the new physics scale $\Lambda$ to
    self.C_in = C_in
    self.scale_in = scale_in
    self.scale_high = scale_high

def set_initial_wcxf(

self, wc, scale_high=None)

Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from a wcxf.WC instance.


  • scale_high: since Wilson coefficients are dimensionless in DsixTools but not in WCxf, the high scale in GeV has to be provided. If this parameter is None (default), either a previously defined value will be used, or the scale attribute of the WC instance will be used.
def set_initial_wcxf(self, wc, scale_high=None):
    """Load the initial values for Wilson coefficients from a
    wcxf.WC instance.
    - `scale_high`: since Wilson coefficients are dimensionless in
      DsixTools but not in WCxf, the high scale in GeV has to be provided.
      If this parameter is None (default), either a previously defined
      value will be used, or the scale attribute of the WC instance will
      be used.
    import wcxf
    if wc.eft != 'SMEFT':
        raise ValueError("Wilson coefficients use wrong EFT.")
    if wc.basis != 'Warsaw':
        raise ValueError("Wilson coefficients use wrong basis.")
    if scale_high is not None:
        self.scale_high = scale_high
    elif self.scale_high is None:
        self.scale_high = wc.scale
    C = smeftutil.wcxf2arrays(wc.dict)
    keys_dim5 = ['llphiphi']
    keys_dim6 = list(set(smeftutil.WC_keys_0f + smeftutil.WC_keys_2f + smeftutil.WC_keys_4f) - set(keys_dim5))
    self.scale_in = wc.scale
    for k in keys_dim5:
        if k in C:
            C[k] = C[k]*self.scale_high
    for k in keys_dim6:
        if k in C:
            C[k] = C[k]*self.scale_high**2
    C = smeftutil.symmetrize(C)
    # fill in zeros for missing WCs
    for k, s in smeftutil.C_keys_shape.items():
        if k not in C and k not in smeftutil.SM_keys:
            if s == 1:
                C[k] = 0
                C[k] = np.zeros(s)
    if self.C_in is None:
        self.C_in = C

Instance variables

var C_in

var scale_high

var scale_in